Red Cliffs – St Joseph’s Primary School
Address: 17 Fitzroy Avenue, Red Cliffs VIC
Principal/s: Naomi Kennedy
Phone: 0350241654
Website: http://www.sjredcliffs.catholic.edu.au/
Governing Authority: DOBCEL
St Joseph's School serves the community of Red Cliffs, in the Sunraysia Region of Victoria. In 2008 we celebrated the commencement of the school by the Mercy Sisters 75 years ago. We maintain a Mercy ethos, though the last of the sisters finished their involvement in 2002.
We have fantastic facilities, educationally, technologically and visually. A new multi-purpose hall will be completed in 2010. We have a strong teaching and learning program and focus on meeting the individual needs of our children.
We promote an ongoing connection with the parish, and are involved on many levels within our local community. Parents are involved at both informal and formal levels through classroom help, fundraising and social opportunities. We have an excellent school choir that represents us at the local Anzac Day ceremonies and other similar events. With Peer Mediation, Restorative Practices and other programs that enhance relationships across the school, we offer an ideal environment for children to learn.