St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat $1000 Choral Scholarships – 2025 Applications Now Open!
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat is inviting applications from Years 3 – 6 students with musical interest and aptitude, for a Cathedral Choral Scholarship for 2025.
The Choral Scholarships are modelled on similar approaches operating in the Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth Cathedrals.
Children who are successful will join the Cathedral’s Cantato Domino Choir, which is currently made up of 20 adults and children.
The Choir covers a broad and exciting range of repertoire, including traditional styles of sacred music and contemporary church hymns, along with providing opportunities for musical, vocal and personal development in a safe, fun environment.
Successful applicants are required to participate in weekly rehearsals and sing at two Masses per month during term time.
The Cathedral Choral Scholarships provide an annual contribution of $1,000 towards the children’s education and/or musical tuition.
Auditions will be held late in Term 3, 2024.
You can apply for a St Patrick’s Cathedral Choral Scholarship using this form. Send the application form to the Cantate Domino Choir Director, Mr Vincent Sully, at For more information, contact Mr Sully at the above email or on 0407 310 115.