Disability Funding

Disability funding in the Catholic education system is a resource that enables schools to create inclusive environments and provide tailored support for students with diverse needs. The CECV program, funded through the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data/ SWD Students with Disabilities (NCCD), enhances schools’ capacity to make adjustments and empower people with disabilities.
Under the NCCD model, teachers use their professional, informed judgement to determine:
- which of their students are being provided with a reasonable adjustment to access education because of disability, consistent with definitions and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005
- the level of adjustment that students with disability are being provided with, in both classroom and whole of school contexts
- the broad category of disability under which each student best fits.
The Australian Education Regulation 2013 requires operators of government and non-government schools to provide information to the department for the purposes of the NCCD. Therefore active consent for students to be included in the NCCD is not required.
For information on NDIS and Schools
For more information contact our Learning Diversity Education Officers – (03) 4344 4350