Our Schools
Discover affordable, contemporary Catholic education.
There are 63 Catholic schools (52 Primary and 11 Secondary) located across the Diocese of Ballarat delivering a high-quality, faith-based, and affordable education option for more than 18,500 students.
All families who seek the values of a Catholic education are warmly welcomed to our schools, regardless of culture, religion, or background.
At the heart of Catholic education in the Diocese is our focus on the fullness of life for all.
Our schools are places where every child can shine, explore, and dream, providing opportunities for students to fully flourish spiritually, academically, physically, culturally, socially, and emotionally.
We are a progressive system of schools, with great facilities, and responding to the latest global evidence to ensure our students have world-class teaching and learning opportunities.
Our Catholic faith underpins the culture of our schools, setting an expectation that everyone acts with respect, dignity, compassion, and kindness.
Schools place a high priority on care for the safety and wellbeing of every child – we want all our students to be happy and engaged in their learning, and in the school community.
Strong partnerships with parents, and a sense of community among families, are also a high priority.
Our fees are kept as affordable as possible, with discounts for siblings available, and fee relief is offered for families experiencing financial hardship.
Close relationships between primary schools and secondary colleges ensures students and families can have a seamless F-12 journey with Catholic education.
The map below shows the locations of schools across the Diocese and the links on the right-hand menu provide access to details on each school, the enrolment process, and further information for parents.