FLARE Professional Learning – improving literacy outcomes
More than 400 teachers from DOBCEL Catholic primary schools across the diocese have participated in professional learning this week in Ballarat, Camperdown, and Horsham, as part of the FLARE Literacy Improvement Strategy.
This Phase A professional learning is intended to guide teachers and schools to improve literacy outcomes through an explicit instruction, phonics-based approach to teaching reading, as part of Structured Literacy.
The professional learning, led by the Catholic Education Ballarat (CEB) FLARE Executive Team of Holly Southwell, Breeana Wade and Emma Rutherford has been described by participants as:
“The best PD I’ve been to in years. So informative and so relevant! Gives me great hope for the future of literacy in our schools.”
“World class presentation. I am not sure if you three understand the incredible impact you will ultimately have on countless learners (adults and children). So grateful to be in our system and able to access this professional development.”