DOBCEL leaders learn with Canadian colleagues
Alongside the co-design of the new DOBCEL 2035 strategy, our diocese has continued to grow partnerships with Canadian colleagues who have travelled similar journeys of education system improvement in recent years. A delegation including Terry Harney (DOBCEL Board Chair), Kathleen Donnellon (Board Director), Tom Sexton (Executive Director), Matthew Byrne (Deputy Director – Catholic Education), Michelle Haeusler (Principal, St Mary MacKillop College, Swan Hill), and Dave Runge (Future Schools), travelled to Canada over the recent holiday period to meet with both Catholic and government educators in the Toronto, Ontario, Edmonton, and Ottawa regions across an intensive ten-day period. ‘We aim to learn from both the successes and challenges of the Canadians…
DOBCEL Principals and leaders on Irish Pilgrimage
A number of Principals and leaders from across the DOBCEL community are currently in Ireland on a Spiritual Heritage Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage provides an important opportunity for the leaders to understand more deeply the profound influence of the Irish religious orders whose charisms form the foundations of our distinctly Catholic education to this day. Some of the locations visited include the Chapel of Loreto House (Rathfarnham) Mercy International Centre and gravesite of Catherine McAuley (Dublin), and St Brigid’s Well, Kildare. Reports suggest the pilgrims are having an enriching and enjoyable experience and looking forward to sharing stories and inspiration with their school communities on return.
Parents encouraged to participate in student wellbeing and learning survey.
Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) is running a parent survey in partnership with the University of New England, AU to learn more about Student Wellbeing and Learning. All parents/carers of children attending Catholic schools in Australia are invited to share views on existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges in relation to your child/children’s wellbeing and learning. The survey is anonymous, confidential, and completely voluntary. For more information about the survey/study, and to participate, go here: https://bit.ly/3XkRcaM The survey will also be promoted through each Catholic school. Thank you for your support.
Every Conversation Matters – National Child Protection Week 2024
The safety and wellbeing of the children and young people in our care is the highest priority for DOBCEL schools. This week, during National Child Protection Week 2024, we are all encouraged to consider the role we can play in creating child safe communities. This year’s theme – “Every Conversation Matters” – reminds us of the vital importance of conversations, both among peers and with adults, in keeping children safe. To read more about our DOBCEL Child Safe Standards visit https://dobcel.catholic.edu.au/child-safe/. To find out more about National Child Protection Week 2024 (Napcan) visit https://www.napcan.org.au/tips-for-playing-your-part/.
Collaborative School Camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat
This week, 43 grade 5/6 students and 7 staff members from four of our smaller rural schools came together for a very exciting collaborative camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. The camp is a wonderful opportunity for the students from different schools to engage with each other and learn about our local history at the same time. The students role-played being a child at school on the goldfields in the 1850’s, including abiding by the behavioural expectations of the era ! Children gained fascinating insights into the distinct social norms and hierarchy of the times and had the rare opportunity to go behind the scenes of Sovereign Hill businesses and…
Our Lady Help of Christians School Soup Bus food drive
Our Lady Help of Christians (OLHC) students in Wendouree had a special visit from the Soup Bus today to learn more about its work and hand over food cans generously donated by the children and their families. The project was organised by OLHC teacher Angelique Greene, who volunteers with the Soup Bus and is herself a fantastic role model within the school community.