Message from the Bishop
In our diocese, we rejoice in 52 Catholic primary schools and 11 Catholic secondary schools. Some are quite small; others are much larger, with over a thousand students. But whether they are large or small, our schools have a common mission. They seek to nurture the gifts of each student and build a community inspired by the teaching and example of Christ.
Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. Our Catholic schools seek to lead each student to the fullness of life. Jesus came to serve. Our Catholic schools encourage students to use their gifts in service of the community.
As we begin a new school year, I ask God’s blessing on all the students, staff and families involved in Catholic education. Each year brings its own challenges and this will be true of 2025. However, considering the gifts and dedication of our school communities, I am confident we will meet the challenges of the year ahead. When we see the vibrant school communities throughout our diocese, we have good reason to have firm faith in the future.
Bishop Paul Bird CSsR
Bishop of Ballarat